Special education in Japan is provided in special schools and in special classes held in ordinary elementary and lower secondary schools. From 1993, part-time special classes (resource rooms) have been included in the special education system.
1-1. Special schools
There are three types of special schools : schools for blind children, schools for deaf children,and schools for children with other disabilities. Schools for children with other disabilities are classified into three types : schools for children with mental retardation, schools for children with physical disabilities, and schools for children with health impairments.
1-2. Special classes
Special classes are set up mainly for children with disabilities. They are divided into seven types of classes : those for children with mental retardation, physical disabilities, health impairments or physical weaknesses, partial sight, hearing difficulties, speech impairments, and emotional disturbances.
2. Present Status of Special Education
2-1. Special schools
The number of special schools, pupils, and teachers.
(as of May, 1995)
Note: The number ot schools includes the number of branch schools.
2-2. Special classes
The number of special classes and pupils, by type of disability.